Jay Kaufman, President of KTA Inc. and the KTA Centre for Collaborative Government, is a consultant with extensive experience as a senior government executive. Jay specializes in leading edge public policy reform and negotiations, including recently leading successful federal negotiations on a number of treaty and self-government files. He is a skilled facilitator and planner who is noted for his strategic and collaborative leadership abilities, innovative thinking, problem-solving and record of successful results.
Jay is a former Ontario Government Deputy Minister of Finance, Secretary to Treasury Board and Assistant Deputy Minister of Health. Prior to that he had a long career with the Manitoba Government, which was highlighted by his appointment as a Deputy Minister responsible for Health Reform. Earlier in his career he was an Assistant Deputy Minister Health and Social Policy and Program Development and Executive Director of Canada's largest social policy experiment, the Canada Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment.
Jay's knowledge and experience cover a broad field including public finance, health and social policy, economic development, intergovernmental affairs, labour market development, post-secondary education and Aboriginal affairs. He has led or been a senior advisor on numerous major policy and program reforms, participated in many successful government restructuring initiatives, and managed large, complex organizations through difficult processes of change.